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When you want to push your artwork to the next level have it CRITIQUED. Mary Parkerson has worked in the Fine Arts industry for over 35 years. An instructor since 1997, she has guided hundreds of artists in improving their art.  See About page for more background. 

What is a CRITIQUE?

Every artist knows it’s easy to see something wrong in some else’s artwork but often harder to know what’s wrong with their own. Critique is the method of identifying what is working and what needs to be changed so the painting is successful. Mary will identify what you are doing well along with what needs to be worked on further. Circled and numbered areas will be drawn on a copy of your image and sent to you. They will clearly show where work is needed. Corresponding details will be provided in depth.

Who Is This For?
This service is geared for artists of all levels, from beginner to very advanced. This is great for artists looking to approach art galleries or produce art for shows. Or simply for students who want to improve their artwork.

To REGISTER,  go to STORE page and select CRITIQUE. Fee is $50 per painting. Send image with size and medium of piece to Parkersonmary Additional images of close ups are appreciated.